Transfer Printing

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We have the largest collection of design ideas, clip art and typestyles ready for our customers or make your own Fashionable Design/Art work. We have the fastest turnaround time in the industry in screen print heat transfers, uniform Numbers, Letters and much more! We use the best quality materials used for custom heat transfers giving you the assurance for the best quality.

Personalize T-shirts with the name of your team or family crest emblazoned on the front with these T-shirt Transfers. Get free templates from us to customize T-shirts with designs and clip art or use your digital photos to make a T-shirt for any occasion. With special personal touches setting them apart, your group can wear their T-shirts with pride.

T-shirt, Heat-transfer Printing, Available in Various Colors/Sizes Quality results for a professional, fashionable look.Personalize your T-shirts, hats, aprons and even bags.For Dark and light-colored 100% cotton/poly cotton blend fabrics

Key Specifications/Special Features:

Customized materials, colors and sizes are welcomed Fabric material: 100% cotton, CVC (65% cotton + 35% polyester), TC (35% cotton + 65%polyester), 100% polyester and more Fabric weight: 140, 160, 180, 200, 200gram and more Colors: Standard CMYK, RGB and Pantone edition colors.T Shirts suitable for corporate advertising and promotion.